Saturday, January 30, 2016

Gentoo at FOSDEM: Posters (systemd, arches)

Especially after Lennart Poettering made some publicity for Gentoo Linux in his keynote talk (unfortunately I missed it due to other commitments :), we've had a lot of visitors at our FOSDEM booth. So, because of popular demand, here are again the files for our posters. They are based on the great "Gentoo Abducted" design by Matteo Pescarin.  Released under CC BY-SA 2.5 as the original. Enjoy!



Tuesday, January 26, 2016

DFG magazine "german research" publishes article about our research group
The 3/2015 edition of the "german research" magazine of the DFG includes an article about the work of our research group! This is a translation of a previous publication in the German language journal "Forschung" of the DFG. Enjoy!

"Carbon Nanotubes: Strong, Conductive and Defect-Free"
Carbon nanotubes are a fascinating material. In experiments at ultra-low temperatures, physicists make their different properties interact with one another - and in so doing find answers to fundamental questions.
Andreas K. Hüttel
german research 3/2015, 24-27 (2015) (PDF)

Friday, January 22, 2016

Please test www-apache/mod_perl-2.0.10_pre201601

We're trying to get both Perl 5.22 and Apache 2.4 stable on Gentoo these days. One thing that would be really useful is to have a www-apache/mod_perl that works with all current Perl and Apache versions... and there's a candidate for that: a snapshot of what is hopefully going to be mod_perl-2.0.10 pretty soon. So...

Please keyword (if necessary) and test www-apache/mod_perl-2.0.10_pre201601!!! Feedback for all Perl and Apache versions is very much appreciated. Gentoo developers can directly edit our compatibility table with the results, everyone else please comment on this blog post or file bugs in case of problems!

Please always include exact www-servers/apache, dev-lang/perl, and www-apache/mod_perl versions!